Q & A Questions Name: Cheryl Gaedtke Occupation: Councillor Age: 50 something Marital Status: Married to (childhood sweetheart) John · What have you enjoyed most about your time with the Somerset Regional Council? I have enjoyed meeting new residents of thi Read More Cheryl September 25, 20...
What’s curious is that rich parents in particular, seem to balls this up quite often as that IFA said and anecdotal eperience shows. That sort of trend is also symptomatic of thetrend to philanthropy and the poorhouseThe Fireshrink mused about, but I’m not going to change the system ...
environmental change aaas symposium 1.1. The purpose of this consultation document is to set out Bath and North East Somerset Council's Community Infrastructure Levy Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule in accordance with Regulation 15 of the CIL Regulations 2010 (as amende... S Mass,VE Barnctt,Ro...
Now only up to £1M, which is about the same amount that Shanice in sarf London can inherit from her diligent cleaner parents in Lewisham, who bought their council house3. Don’t see why farming pays IHT at 20% rather than 40% but it’s a step in the right direction. In upland ...
Also known by the acronyms MOSI or MSI, this museum as its name suggests is dedicated to the scientific heritage of Manchester and focuses on technology, science and industry. An extensive array of exhibits reveal all manner of subjects from power, transport, utilities infrastructure, textiles and...
Now only up to £1M, which is about the same amount that Shanice in sarf London can inherit from her diligent cleaner parents in Lewisham, who bought their council house3. Don’t see why farming pays IHT at 20% rather than 40% but it’s a step in the right direction. In upland ...
light bulb. If it’s dissipating 50W, it will be getting about as hot as a light bulb, and anybody who has tried to change one of those that has just blown will know they are damned hot. If it were the phone dissipating the 50W rather than the charger I’d stillbe very afraid…....
25 years of bike lighting improvement, but why doesn’t Tesco allow kids to change their batteries now? Sometimes it’s the little things that alert us to the slow decline of the West towards a world ofIdiocracy. DW needed some bike lights, and I’d bought some from Tesco a while ago...
and I still haven’t really convinced myself I want to paint the house. All of these are still choices and the balance may change in time. There are some things I will do if it’s too hard to find competent workmen or the labour cost would make it prohibitive but I haven’t run ...