Document a piece of paper or a set of papers, counting officer Information, a computer file that you can write. Duplicated. The courtroom was. Think over. To consider a problem or decision carefully. Break down. To be out of order or to stop working. Pull talk. Breakdown truck. Put dow...
When it comes to building customer trust, service trumps sustainability Jul 15, 20224 mins analysis Words count: How the language you use arouses emotions in the people you’re trying to reach Jul 08, 20224 mins analysis Cookie conundrum: The loss of third-party trackers could diminish ...
Myself in this practise the period prime task content am: Front 1st, the Agriculture Bank of China Zhuhai Branch credit card lawsuit stage receives after dunning sues works, including plans to write the petition, to reorganize the complete set to put on record the material as well as assists...
9. (= present, put forward) [+ plan, petition]→ presentar; [+ proposal, suggestion]→ hacer; [+ argument, case, defence]→ presentar; [+ candidate]→ proponer (for para) he put up a spirited defence of the bill in Parliament→ hizo una vehemente defensa del proyecto de ley en el...
For the record, my name is Jennifer Weiner. Pronounced “WINE-er.” When I write I use my maiden name for my byline so I’m not confused with the relatively prolific author of the same name. Jennifer Weiner has done rather well for herself, so it wouldn’t be terrible, but no need...
" Write "the prince asked:" can you speak Chinese?" The princess said:" yes." The follow 老师改正家庭作业,然后她恼怒家庭作业在地板上,在老师锯旁边要求:“多么很恼怒?” 老师说:“这是关于王子和公主”。 在老师旁边说:“这不是非常好?”写“王子被问:”您能讲中文?“公主说:”是。“下列是...
I want to get my strength up for this race→ quiero ponerme en plena forma (física) para esta carrera, quiero cobrar fuerzas para esta carrerato get up speed→ cobrar velocidad, ganar velocidad 3. (= organize) [+ celebration]→ organizar, preparar; [+ petition]→ organizar 4. (= ...
The child's parents allow them to live with someone else and do not provide that person with legal authority for their care. The minor is not residing with their parent or parents at the time of the petition's filing. The child's biological parents were never married; the parent who had...
I laughed until I cried. I made a mental note to write in my diary ‘Laughter is the sound you hear most often in Italy. On Christmas day Mauro’s mother gave me a gold brooch. It had been given to her by a family friend. The friend was Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia. ...
i wonder just how many of those people actually pray to our father and lift that person up. whenever i tell somebody i am going to pray for them, i either pray for them right then and there or i write them down in my prayer notes, so i can pray for them that day. this isn't ...