Schneider turned toFacebookto post a cryptic message about the situation, revealing that the car has been missing for months and alleging that someone is seeking to sell it off without his permission. "It’s a very sad day for me because I just discovered who has had my General Lee all ...
you have to pay a certain portion of these costs from your pocket. The deductible is one of these out-of-pocket payments. Before your insurance kicks in, you must first be able to hit your deductible. And your deductible restarts every year. ...
Suppose the driver who cut you off hit your car, thereby causing an accident. In this case, the proper procedure involves you both stopping the vehicles, putting up emergency signs, and waiting for the police to arrive. While waiting, you must notify the other driver’s insurance company of...
"When it finally hit the road and bounced up and hit the paint and then scraped downward," she said. She said body damage alone costs close to $4,000. The insurance covers most of it but at least $1,000 will be out of pocket. The unexpected cost is tough on this small business o...
"I asked that question during Driver’s Ed class in high school, 40+ years ago. I still remember my instructors answer. 'Imagine that you’re driving barefoot, following your girlfriend in her car. For some reason, she hits the brakes. So, you hit the brakes, too. Unfortunate...
I couldn’t eat last night because the sight and smell of what I’d prepared to eat made me upchuck. Without warning, I was fine until I saw and smelt the salad I was going to have. Same exact thing happened again this morning without warning. One look at my eggs & taters, and ...
In rural areas, households believed that they should and was expected to manage for an extensive period without infrastructure, as one participant talked about: ‘Are there any limitations? We would have dirty clothes eventually, but we would manage. We have what we need (…). We could mana...
“I’m thinking of you. I know this is your first Thanksgiving without [say the name of the person who died].” “I’m keeping you and your family in my thoughts this second Hanukkah after [say the name]’s death. I realize you’re still adjusting to [his/her] absence.” ...
During the climb, Corbett took the lead, hit in the metal spikes(尖状物)that guided the ropes, and climbed up. Then, after Wellman pulled himself up the rope, Corbett went down to remove the spikes and climbed up again. This process was repeated time and again, inch by inch, for 13 ...
Jimmy Buffett's iconic anthem to procrastination,Margaritaville, was not supposed to be a hit for him. Buffett has admitted that his most popular tune,a song that has been the basis for his financial empirewas penned in hopes of getting it into the hands of another very popular singer of ...