Some One Like You——吉他谱 Adele Adkins 阿黛尔·阿德金斯 视频谱 视频播放器上点击右键可选择倍速播放 示范 图片谱 点击图片查看大图 左右键翻页 [wm_login] [wm_collapse title=”阅读全文”] [/wm_collapse] [/wm_login] 扒带制谱 音乐制作 视频乐谱合成 音乐教材制作 ♫长按扫描关注♫ 长期招募合作...
Someone Like You_吉他谱: 网友点评: § :莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 天猪座の幻想:多想潜入海底,温柔地栖息 Sherlock.:话说作者和我们音乐老师是一个高中的也是有缘 风在江湖:我想你是装糊涂吧,也许你的世界里有了其他的欢喜。真是个傻逼,我一直以为那是希望却不自知,傻逼的事做了一次又一次,如果知道的话绝...
吉他谱说明: 很久以前做的,C调的可能适合男生唱,嫌低了可以用夹子。前面主歌是四拍,到Brige因为歌词太长,每一格其实是两拍,照分解节奏里那么弹就行了。 原调是A调,C调比A调低一些,需要加九品,建议还是自己找找合适自己的吧。
ain't nobody else gonna bear up Somebody like Dm Am G you~ (and if I can't have the real thing) Some~one~ (Repeat and fade) Am C G just like you~ (I hope someone will come~ today~) F C G somebody like you~ (someone to take me all~ the way) Am C G somebody like you...
Waiting for you come through! [Chorus] Cmaj7 Bm7 Someone like you ...make it all worth while, Am7 C/D Someone like you ...keep me satis - fied, D7sus4 Gmaj9 Bm7 C/D D7sus4 Someone exactly like! [Verse 2] ...
·Someone Like You 郑成和指弹(GTP吉他谱) Adele ·Skyfall独奏版 Adele Laurie Blue Adkins ·Rolling in the deep(正谱) Adele ·somenone like you(缩短) Adele ·rolling in the deep 钢琴版 Adele ·Some one like you Adele ·Someone Like You -adele Adele ·Someone Like You -adele ...
Someone Like You,I've been searching a long time,For someone exactly like you,I've been travelin' all around the world,Waiting for you to come through,Someone like y
And you say, that Its alright and I know, that it’s a lie from the black in your eyes You don’t have to do this on your own, Like there’s no one that cares about you You don’t have to act like your alone, like the walls are closing in around you You don’t have to ...
听说 你心有所属 That you, found a girl and your married now.你遇到了她,即将步入婚姻殿堂I heard that your d 分享25赞 阿黛尔吧 艾科比zsx 【阿黛尔】someone like you我觉得会唱英文歌是一件很酷的事 我在努力学 分享27赞 阿黛尔吧 泪凝n纤尘微熹 【阿黛尔】someone like you听完这首歌。我的臆想...
someone like you,I've been searching a long time,For someone exactly like you,I've been travelin' all around the world,Waiting for you to come through,Someone like y