I was mortified that my best friend felt that way, but not too surprised. After a few weeks of this, the headmaster called a student meeting. She told us the girl did not have cancer, but had other problems. She also said the girl was made to change schools for what she had d...
Everyone loves food, but people struggling with mental health often don’t have the energy to cook nourishing meals. You can surprise your friend with their favorite take-out or a homemade dinner to show that you care about their health and well-being. Try making them this comfortingThai cur...
‘ bit to Bond as he makes him his coffee is disarming. It’s here that the dichotomy between these two men is most apparent – just like how I said that Bond would have made a great villain, Davi is so charming and playful here that one is reminded of how, during test screenings ...
I was mortified that my best friend felt that way, but not too surprised. After a few weeks of this, the headmaster called a student meeting. She told us the girl did not have cancer, but had other problems. She also said the girl was made to ch...