Despite the circumstances, whether you are at fault or not, you should always call your insurance if you are involved in an accident. Whether you have found it damaged while parked or in any other unfortunate circumstance, you need to contact your insura
无论有人不小心撞到您停放的汽车,或是反过来,请尽量不要在看到停车场事故时惊慌失措。凭借适当的保险,您可以放心,您的汽车可在受到任何损坏的情况下享受保障。但是需要什么保险来保护您免受此类事件的影响?让我们讨论一下您的一些保险选择,以及如果您发现自己处于这种情况,您的下一步应该是什么。 我停放的汽车可能...
"I asked that question during Driver’s Ed class in high school, 40+ years ago. I still remember my instructors answer. 'Imagine that you’re driving barefoot, following your girlfriend in her car. For some reason, she hits the brakes. So, you hit the brakes, too. Unfortunat...
Having a good credit score is important when you want to borrow money to buy a car or a home and when you aren’t even borrowing. For example, an insurance company might look at your credit score in setting your rates; a landlord might look at it in deciding whether to rent you an ...
I couldn’t drive a car but thought that I could probably guard a train and perhaps continue to write my poems between stations. The writers Keats and Chekhov had been doctors. T.S. Eliot had worked in a bank and Wallace Stevens for an insurance company. I’d be a subway guard. I ...
However,the car you have just run into will not be covered…..and if it is a massive, expensive, new Toyota Landcruiser you’ve just crashed into – well, you will have to pay for the damages! 81. To avoid unnecessary accident costs, you might want to get fully comprehensive insurance...
While trying to grieve, those loved ones are now in charge of insurance notifications, funeral arrangements and the responsibility of paying for that procedure. I honestly believe that one of the greatest gifts a person can provide their family is a living will which can actually handle all of...