Muhammad Ali was born in 1942 in Louisville,Kentucky.His parents named him Cassius Marcellus Clay,Jr.They named their son after a Kentucky statesman who had fought against slavery in the 1800s. Young Cassius Clay quickly made his mark in the boxing ring.He turned professional after winning a ...
Lisa Ardill is a twenty-something-year-old woman with a passion for feminism, human rights, neuroscience, literature and film (roughly in that order!). She writes poems and prose to entertain herself, cheer herself up on gloomy days, and keep the spark for creative writing in her brain al...
How old is the viewer? How educated? How much time does he/she have? How much in need of some laughs? Fourth, it is better to attempt to select our leisure activities wisely than to do so based on whims, inclinations, or just following the example of others around us. It is better...
It’s easy to get caught up in Christmas traditions and how things have always been done in the family, but your festive season might begin to look different as dementia progresses. It’s always worth having a ‘plan B’ and be prepared to change your plans if a particular element isn’...
When Colonel Lonergan is given a billet in her house she is delighted to find he is her old teenage flame. The relationship that inevitably reignites, is complicated by the fact Lonergan has had a relationship with Valentine’s older daughter Primrose, a cold, sneering young woman whose ...