In the Indian state of Gujarat, Chitrageet is a popular show that plays Bollywood songs withwords in Gujarati on the screen. Within six months, viewers had made a small but significant(有意义的)improvement in their reading skills.Too much TV has been associated with violence, overweight an...
ખંડણી Gujarati gu ค่าไถ่ Thai th ವಿಮೋಚನೆ Kannada kn ቤዛ Amharic am फिरौती Bhojpuri bho Ransome Yoruba yo Ransome In Fancy Fonts Visualize your little one’s name in different captivating fonts. You can use these fancy st...
health care.TV is also a powerful medium for adult education.In the Indian state of Gujarat, Chitrageet is a popular show that plays Bollywood songs with words in Gujarati on the screen.Within six months, viewers had made a small but significant(有意义的) improvement in their reading skills...
In the Indian state of Gujarat, Chitrageet is a popular show that plays Bollywood songs with words in Gujarati on the screen. Within six months, viewers had made a small but significant improvement in their reading skills. Too much TV has been associated with violence, overweight and ...
There are 12 languages represented in the dataset: Bangla (bn), Gujarati (gu), Hindi (hi), Kannada (kn), Malayalam (ml), Marathi (mr), Punjabi (pa), Sindhi (sd), Sinhala (si), Tamil (ta), Telugu (te) and Urdu (ur). All data is derived from Wikipedia text. Each language has...
athe proposed projects should meet the criteria of additionality and viability; in other words, submitted projects should be unable to become materialized without a subsidy and should be economically and financially viable and technically feasible 提出的项目应该符合附加能力和生活能力标准; 换句话说,递交的...
8.0.1763-15.el8 appstream 1.4 M vino x86_64 3.22.0-10.el8 appstream 461 k words noarch 3.0-28.el8 baseos 1.4 M xdg-desktop-portal x86_64 1.6.0-3.el8_3 appstream 407 k xdg-desktop-portal-gtk x86_64 1.6.0-1.el8 appstream 219 k xdg-user-dirs-gtk x86_64 0.10-13.el8 app...