She quickly jumped onto the sofa and snuggled in beside me, grabbed my Bible, opened it and began to tell her version in a confident, dramatic voice. “A whole bunch of bad men were chasing this other guy who didn’t have a gun but he had a piece of God in his heart.” (pronoun...
Christians often talk about how God has spoken to them. I certainly believe that God speaks to us. Preeminently this is through the Bible, God’s written word, but he also speaks in other ways, through other people, circumstances, an inner voice, dreams, even on occasion literally through...
“I found it!” yells Annie from across the pool. She pulls a small piece of paper out of plastic bag. “Bravo, my dearest Annie. The last task that will lead you to where your gift awaits is the place of my humble beginnings. Well, that’s easy! It’s her first…” Suddenly, ...
All wise people see that 18 can be new beginnings.Change need not be feared.And neither should we be looking for a 19 resting place, for a full and happy life is always active. Does the change you face represent, not just an ending, but a new beginning in your life’s 20 ? If so...
Warnings claimed to come from a guardian angel On the other hand it is claimed there is support for the notion of guardian angels in the experiences of individuals. There are those who claim their lives have been protected by what they say is the intervention of a dead loved one. ...
Pat, on the other hand, seems to have felt starkly different in that area. He shared that he really did have a blast on the show. He said that he will always value "Down Home With the Neelys" as it allowed him to come on TV every day and share his home with viewers...
BEGINNINGS new christian New Church new earth new heaven New Jerusalem new truth new year nice noah NUMBERING THE PEOPLE OBEDIENCE Obedience to the Lord's Commandments old age old testament ontology option other others OUR DAILY WORK OUR TRUTH AND OUR LIFE OUR WAY pain painting paintings parable ...
quotes – especially the reality of limitations. The Bible says that “of the making of books there is no end” (Ecclesiastes 12:12), and I don’t think I will run out of (quality – they must be quality) quotable excerpts from those books, or other writings or speeches or folksy ...
But, hecontinues,deliberatelyobscuringthefactthat becauseof thebarbarianeruptiontheempire wasdissolving,the endis notfatal,norits beginningsfortuitoussincethetrueGodhad providentiallycreatedtheempirein preparationforthespiritualkingdom to follow.28Augustineand,in hisfootstepsMedievalwriterslikeDante(orJoachimdaFiore...
Jonathan Edwards even said of Peter Van Mastricht's "A Treatise of Regeneration" "This book is much better than any other book in the world, excepting the Bible, in my opinion." From beginning to end this book was a defence for monergistic regeneration.George...