The only way out of this predicament is to keep discovering new ways to eliminate this enemy and to be prepared with unconventional alternatives such as natural polymers and their nanoformulations. Chitosan, a marine-derived biopolymer has attracted much attention recently due to its important ...
The Devīpañcaśataka gives two alternatives for the worship of the twelve Kālīs: the saṃvitkrama and the pūjākrama, the distinction still retained in Jayaratha’s commentary on the Tantrāloka. In the saṃvitkrama, the twelve goddesses are worshipped internally as the succession of...
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Airborn OS : Private Google Docs Alternative Commandlinefu : An extensive collection of Shell oneliners that can save your day on many occasions Pure Bash Bible : A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes. ↥ Back To Top Interview Preparation 10 Frequently asked SQL Query ...
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It’s a bit cumbersome with versions, but alternatives make the complexity escalate. We need a temporal logic, or time-indexed first order logic. Like a formal, logic-based approach to capture a long list ofproperties of organizationsthat relies on the DOLCE ontology and its extension with soc...
We examined whether gay men (Studies 1–2) and lesbian women (Study 1) who harbor internalized stigma due to their sexuality will desire a romantic re
Any alternatives you've considered? The user could specify their own gRPC classification via ServiceProfiles, as described in #3376. How would users interact with this feature? In Go: import ( ...