Most of our roommates can book a room like Airbnb pretty quickly online and see the whole thing. It’s elevating that roommate experience from Craigslist, which is you’re talking to a dicey stranger and hoping for the best. You come through a portal, take a virtual tour of our property...
When he sees questionable bike ads on Craigslist, he cross-references the image with bikes reported on Bike Index. Once he has confirmed it with the owner, he arranges a meet-up with the thief and will call the Seattle police department so that officers can participate in the action. In ...
Craigslist’s CEO since 2000, Jim Buckmaster says the key to their success is an anti-commercial value system based on three “ironies”: “the ironies of unbranding, demonetizing, and noncompeting.” Instead of going for the quick profit like other startups, Craigslist survived the dot-...
When I arrived at my interview formarketing job—as it was so descriptively advertised on Craigslist—I was surprised to find a room full of people and a whiteboard that read, “Who wants to work smarter, not harder and earn six figures?” I did! If I had the money, I reasoned, I’...
His project has cost him $20,000, which includes Rust-Oleum paint to fancy it up and a motor home he bought on Craigslist that he converted into a ramp. His first test of the rocket will also be the launch date — Saturday , when he straps into his homemade contraption and attempts ...