If so, my recomendation would be to switch to the da cursors, which are much faster. I will add some code sample to retrieve the domain description rather than the code. Kind regards, Xander byPieter_Geertvan_den_Beukel 11-14-201406:40 AM samples with da module are just fine! b...
I was able to design a ventilation system with a flow rate of ~90 CFM. I have built this system, but I do not have any tools that allow me to measure the exact fan flow rate. However, the fan air flow rate is clearly much higher than my old fan and it has eliminated the “stea...
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) signalr/hubs Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) User.js Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) Failing to pass ...
We could simply have one file overall - as we did in the many years of INI files when things were much more simple (sorry to wax reminiscent)... I heard from another fellow this morning (from another site) who tells me he has been down this path and that we are wasting our time...
It always opens correctly the first time I run and open the worksheet (after creating a new file to use). And it looks just how I need it to look. But anytime I run again and open I get the error message. I've tried running from both Designer and from the...
Been messing with the xlwt module, writing a data table to excel. During the course of this I discovered the enumerate function. worksheet write needs a column pointer. This seemed to be an easy way to get it. An example : tbl = "Table to export" ...