Despite having a certain sense of “been there, done that” about it, the fantastically thought-provoking story, engrossing world and ability to set your nerves on edge will ensure that you don’t walk away disappointed. It might not be perfect, and it might fall agonisingly short of ...
At the Spring High School Orientation Ceremony for the92nd Tōtsuki Generation, the Academy Director,Senzaemon Nakiri, welcomed the 92nd generation into the High School section of the Academy and explained that out of the 1000 students in that class at the moment, by the time graduation arrives...
I always worry that Ryan will wake up and have lost some or all of skills, like the ability to point on a letter board. While we were in the hospital, after a few hours, Ryan was trying to pull out his IV and the different sensors that were attached to him. I explained to him t...
It’s about the creators, not necessarily what they’re creating, because WordPress is a very open platform. You can create anything. But we’ve always been sort of creator-focused, author-focused. You have words that you want to say, a story you want to tell, and a narrative you want...
According to Sacha Wunsch-Vincent, co-editor of the GII, China's success story can be explained by its consistent and persistent innovation policy planning and execution for more than three decades, as well as by the fact that it has impressively increased spending on education, science and tec...
it was a struggle to zip up. Soma was wearing jeans the next day and was relentless and just tried tried until her little hands just couldn’t anymore. I offered to help many times, but she refused. Finally, she gave up and I explained to her that these weren’t the best shoes in...