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Percentages to fraction or decimal conversion and the vice versa. Word problems in percentages. Relatively easy topic. Profits Cost price, selling price, profit, loss, % profit, % loss expressed as a percentage of cost price, discounts, and marked price. ...
This is a math practice tool that I developed for practicing: 1) arithmetic for speed and accuracy (both VERY important on the McKinsey PST) and 2) estimation math with large numbers (useful for solving some of the McKinsey PST word problems faster where precise math isn’t necessary to ...
They are great for ensuring that students practice what they have yet to master, since they can be customized by the teacher to meet the class and individual needs. They can be used to practice all kinds of word problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and so much ...
Cognitive abilities (such as learning, memory, inhibitory control, problem-solving, and social cognition) are important traits in almost all aspects of an animal’s life, from finding food to cooperating with conspecifics. Despite this, the heritability of cognitive traits in non-human animals is ...
Solving word problems with linear equations 8th grade level, algebra quick facts, solving inequalities worksheets. Printable coordinate graphing pictures, adding and subtracting expressions with square roots, initial value problem for the non-homogeneous wave equation, Calculate the GCD of two numbers ...
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