Step 1: Write the inequality as equation. x2 - 4x - 5 = 0 Step 2: Solve the equation. Here we can use any process of solving quadratic equations. Then (x - 5) (x + 1) = 0 x = 5; x = -1. Step 3: Represent the solutions from Step 2 on the number line and identify ...
3. Check all possible solutions. Remember to maintain inequality, we must perform the same operation to both sides of the equation. Solving Two Step Equations Involving Decimals This video provides examples of solving two step linear equations involving decimals. Examples: 0.3x - 2.16 = 9.9 x/...
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Learn to solve different kinds of related rate problems in calculus. This article is a full guide that shows the step-by-step procedure for solving problems involving related/associated rates. Includes 11 examples.
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Section 1.1 Introduction to Problem Solving 1.9 9 Technology Connection Four-Digit Numbers If any four-digit number is selected and its digits reversed, will the sum of these two numbers be divisible by 11? Use your calculator to explore this and similar questions in this investigation. ...