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53 25.Algebraic Equations With Variables on Both Sides 06:46 26.Algebraic Word Problems 05:38 27.Solving Algebraic Inequalities 05:43 28.Square Roots, Cube Roots, and Other Roots 09:02 29.Simplifying Expressions With Roots and Exponents 08:23 30.Solving Algebraic Equations With Roots and ...
In summary, solving cubic equations often involves cubic roots, but they can also be represented as square roots of real or complex numbers. This is due to the fact that the inverse of cubing, cuberooting, is involved in solving equations. However, there are also cases where the cubic ...
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If the radical is a square root, then square both sides of the equation. If it is a cube root, then raise both sides of the equation to the third power. In other words, for annth root radical, raise both sides to thenth power. Doing so eliminates the radical symbol. ...
ParserNG allows the quick evaluation of the characteristic polynomial of a square matrix; this polynomial can then be solved to find the eigenvalues, and hence the eigenvector of the Matrix. The function is calledeigpoly Actually, there is a function called `eigvec`, which in the future will...
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