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A math word problem is a mathematical exercise (such as in a textbook, worksheet, or exam) where significant background information on the problem is presented in ordinary language rather than in mathematical notation. As most word problems involve a narrative of some sort, they are sometimes ...
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How to Change the Subject of an Equation How to Solve Equations Using Rearrangement Solving Two-Step Equations | Overview, Examples & Word Problems Finding a Missing Quantity in an Algebraic Expression Solving Equations Using the Least Common Multiple Solving Equations Project Ideas Solving Equations In...
Table 6. The case study for analyzing the outputs. From Table 6, the following can be seen. For Case 1, all algorithms produce the correct answer. This is because it is a simple AWP that only contains a single “general” scene, requiring only the information stated in the problem for...
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We evaluate our approach on two math word problem datasets:GSM8k[4]and a new dataset calledAlgebra11TheAlgebradataset is publically available athttps://github.com/joyheyueya/declarative-math-word-problem.. We use theGSM8ktest set, which contains131913191319math word problems at grade-school level...
CHAPTER 1 PROBLEM SOLVING SPOTLIGHT ON TEACHING Excerpts from NCTM's Standards for School Mathematics Prekindergarten through Grade 12* Problem solving can and should be used to help students develop fluency with specific skills. For example, consider the following problem, which is adapted from the...
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