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A new numerical method called linearized and rational approximation method is presented to solve non-linear evolution equations. The utility of the method is demonstrated for the case of differentiation of functions involving steep gradients. The solution of Burgers' equation is presented to illustrate ...
The coefficients can be integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, floating-point numbers, complex numbers, variables, or a combination of these types. > ax2+7x−b2 ax2+7x−12b Arithmetic The polynomial arithmetic operators are the standard Maple arithm...
In the latter diffuse functions with exponent factor equal to 0.1076 were added to the uorine atoms. It is greater than the critical value 0.06 (ref. 70) below which problems in the SCF procedure arise. London dispersion interactions were taken into account by using the ...
The public-key is a nonlinear transform from a plaintext to a ciphertext in the form of rational functions. 2) The complexity of both encryption and decryption is O(m2), where m is the plaintext length. 3) Digital signature is possible. The two previously proposed systems based on the ...
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