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The Systems Approach: Rational, Systematic, Objective Approaches to Problem Solvingdoi:10.1108/S1876-0562(1991)000091B002Donald H. KraftBert R. BoyceHarold BorkoElaine SvenoniusEmerald Group Publishing LimitedLibrary & Information Science
This is what we should expect if we want a theory that upholds FPA, but doesn’t require implausible infallibility; as rational belief-formers, we can do no better than to trust S’s avowals, even though they may turn out ultimately to be mistaken. 5.2 Deception People sometimes make ...
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But since α¯ and ⁎α⁎ both are functions and ⁎α⁎⊆α¯, so ⁎α⁎=α¯=β. □ In Example 4.6, the reduced system simplified to one trivial equation b=b, so the graph G has exactly two solutions, each induced from a solution to this equation. Expressing ...
Popova, E.D.: Solving Linear Systems Whose Input Data Are Rational Functions of Interval Parameters. In: Boyanov, T., Dimova, S., Georgiev, K., Nikolov, G. (eds.) NMA 2006. LNCS, vol. 4310, pp. 345–352. Springer, Heidelberg (2007) Chapter Google Scholar Rohn, J.: A Method fo...
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