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Resource type: Worksheet/Activity File previews pdf, 381.36 KBpng, 852.85 KBpng, 104.96 KBpng, 216.22 KB The activity practices solving quadratic equations with real (rational and irrational) and complex roots. There are included quadratics in standard and vertex form, though more of ...
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Maple has a powerful set of solvers for ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and partial differential equations (PDEs), and systems of ODEs and PDEs. For information on solving ODEs and PDEs, see Other Specialized Solvers. Student ODEs Package The Student subpackage for ODEs has commands for...
Building on students’ development of fundamental ideas such as “number as the composite unit” (which naturally leads to the part-part-whole additive relationships), COMPS-A emphasizes students’ understanding and representation of mathematics relations in algebraic equations and, thus, supports growth...
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