This lesson will provide examples and explain how to solve trigonometric functions while applying this knowledge to solve trigonometric equations.
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Graphing rational functions and solving rational inequalities without a calculatorjoyce, peter
Functions that are the result of the division of two polynomials are rational functions, which can be solved by cross multiplying numerators and denominators. Review the definition of a rational function and learn how to solve rational equations and rational inequalities. ...
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Rational Inequalities Calculator Inequalities Examples Example 1:Using the techniques of solving inequalities, solve: -19 < 3x + 2 ≤ 17 and write the answer in the interval notation. Solution: Given that -19 < 3x + 2 ≤ 17. This is a compound inequality. ...
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To solve these equations, we must isolate the variable until we find its result. We can extract the variable from the square root through a mathematical procedure where both parts of the equality are involved. We can solve a quadratic equation i...
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