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In this lesson, we will examine the definition of a rational equation and look at a process we can use to solve rational equations. We will use examples to illustrate this solving process. Rational Equations Could you help me out with something? I'm planting flower bulbs in the garden, ...
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Not all functions can be solved exactly using only the unit circle. When we must solve an equation involving an angle other than one of the special angles, we will need to use a calculator. Make sure it is set to the proper mode, either degrees or radians, depending on the criteria of...
For example, the equation sin x = 1 is an example of a trigonometric equation. Do you see the sine function in this equation? View Video Only Save Timeline Video Quiz Course 15K views Infinite Solutions There is one interesting characteristic that trigonometric equations have. And that...
Step 2: Solve the equation. Here we can use any process of solving quadratic equations. Then (x - 5) (x + 1) = 0 x = 5; x = -1. Step 3: Represent the solutions from Step 2 on the number line and identify the intervals. Take care of open circles and closed circles. Since ...
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