If the instructions don't tell you that you must check your answers, check them anyway. At the very least, compare your solution with a graph on your graphing calculator. MathHelp.com Solving Radical Equations Solve the equation, and check. ...
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You can use the CLEP calculator Solver mode to calculate unknowns in an equation. Learn more about the CLEP scientific calculator, how many or what kind of equations it can solve and more about solver mode. The Solver Mode When you type in an equation, the CLEP calculator comes up with ...
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15) Factor fully. Use the Quadratic Formula to find the fractional roots. Show work. Fill in (ax + b) properly. 4x3 - 12x2 - x + 15 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 16) Use the Graphing Calculator to find the x-intercepts. Write the zeroes on the blanks, and then use them to get...
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Programmed calculator Any equation. Solving Logarithmic Functions Math 3 Standard MM3A2. Radical Equations and Problem Solving Use the power rule to solve radical equations. A radical equation is an equation that contains a radical. BACK. Warm-Up Find the inverse: 1.3y = 12x f(x) = ½x ...