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Reversing Fractional Changes Watch out for the increase or decrease being quoted rather than the new value. Writing this as a formula we have… Fraction × Original quantity = Increase or decrease To work backwards to find the original quantity we must do the opposite… Increase or Decrease ÷...
Spreadsheet describing the main differences between both model versions. The file contains three sheets: the first one includes the genes added as well the genes that were removed; the second one presents the removed reactions; and the third one shows the set of added reactions. (XLS 64 KB)...
1), students calculated the amounts of materials used in the pancake they make through formulas established in an Excel file using the laws of constant proportions. The groups who prepared pancakes without using these laws encountered problems, for example, having overcooked/burned pancakes due to ...
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Engineers continue to work to improve both the instrument transformer design and design methods. Although the principle of operation of the instrument transformers is the same as that of power transformers, the tasks of the instrument transformers, and thus the problems faced by designers during the...