This is what the previous infix expression looks like in RPN: 10 4 3 + 2 * -. How do we calculate what the result of that is? Well, think of a stack. You go over the expression from left to right. Every time a number is encountered, push it on to the stack. When we ...
│ │ ├─ implementationUsingNode │ │ │ ├─OneWayLinkedList │ │ │ └─TwoWayLinkedList │ │ ├─OneWayLinkedList │ │ └─TwoWayLinkedList │ ├─ stack │ │ ├─StackImplementation ...
This package hosts an array of frequently used regex validations and regex expression evaluation functionalities. In general, String check encompasses last word check, middle word check, first word check, sentence validation, phone number validation, nam