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Next, we will enumerate the large-data models used for PDE solving. These models will be discussed in detail in the paper subsequently. 1.1 Finite element method (FEM) The numerical approximation of the continuous field u of any PDE can be given by Eq. 1 on a certain domain and can be...
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Y , and that (R \ S )x,y holds if and only if Rz,x implies Sz,y for all z ∈ Z. Given two relations R : X ? Y and S : X ? Y , their relational sum is denoted by R + S. The domain of R + S is the disjoint union X + X , and the range is Y . If x comes...
It involves a systematic approach to understand the problem, generate possible solutions, evaluate the options, and implement the most effective course of action. This process is not limited to a particular domain; it can be applied to a wide range of situations, from interpersonal conflicts to ...
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