When we convert a log equation to a different type of equation by equating the insides of the logs, we may be "creating" solutions that didn't previously exist. Because of this, it is generally a good idea to check the solutions you get for log equations....
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Using Mathematical Models to Solve Problems 6:35 Descriptive Modeling in Math | Definition, Accuracy & Examples Solving Equations in the Real Number System Deductive Reasoning in Algebra Problem Solving with Irrational Numbers Ch 4. Complex Numbers & the Complex... Ch 5. Number Theory Ch ...
Logs Kyle R. asked • 07/15/16 Solving for x in logs with different basesHi, Im trying to solve for x for Ln(x)—log(x)=1 The first thing I did was use change of base property. After this is where Im totally confused on solving. ...
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using the Navier-Stokes equations, a set of PDEs describing the motion of fluid substances3. These equations, while elegant in their continuous form, are extremely difficult to solve analytically for all but the simplest cases4The analytical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations in three ...
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