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balls of the SOL brand suggest that the process carried out by the students lacks meaning for them. The way in which they solve in order to y the first of the conditions they consider (leaving a denominator 1) is also elucidative of the way students deal withalgebraic manipulations(Fig. ...
We can also solve trigonometric equations using a graphing calculator. Many equations appear quadratic in form. We can use substitution to make the equation appear simpler, and then use the same techniques we use solving an algebraic quadratic: factoring, the quadratic formula, etc. We can also ...
However, there are Web sites which can help students in finding solutions, although the solution is not actually provided online. One example is Factoris, which has an online calculator for factoring number and algebraic expressions.WankoDepartmentJeffreyDepartmentJ.Department...
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10. To widen the scope of the generated synthetic theorems and proofs, we also introduce another component to the symbolic engine that can deduce new statements through algebraic rules (AR), as described inMethods. AR is necessary to perform angle, ratio and distance chasing, as often ...