This isn’t exactly something you’d imagine a prisoner to do while in their cell, but after much time and dedication, Christopher Havens actually ended up solving an ancient mathematics problem. Havens, who never even finished high school, has been in prison near Seattle, the U.S., for n...
"Encrypting DNS is good, but if this could be done without involving additional parties, that would be better," APNIC added. *** The general idea is that DNS-over-HTTPS isn't what many have thought. It doesn't actually protect users from having their web traffic snooped, and it's not...
As quantum computing is in its infancy, part of that work will be to partition the workload into areas that can be performed by traditional computing and those which require quantum computing. Tasks that have many simultaneous parallel operations, many different values, and calculations involving un...
The larger this number, the more difficult the problem. is a two-letter indication of the status of the convergence tests involving the feasibility and optimality of the iterates defined in the descriptions of the optional arguments options:major feas tol and options:major opt tol. Each letter ...
The Inflation Technique Completely Solves the Causal Compatibility Problem The causal compatibility question asks whether a given causal structure graph --- possibly involving latent variables --- constitutes a genuinely plausible causal explanation for a given probability distribution over the graph's obser...
The default problem type is QP2, other objective functions are selected by using the optional argument options:prob. The constraints involving A are called the general constraints. Note that upper and lower bounds are specified for all the variables and for all the general constraints. An ...
“Unfortunately” after my purchase I learned from your postings on the web -and others- that I might come to this fan/thermosensor problem. You tackled this thermosensor very cleverly, but now I am not sure what cable kit (s) I need to complete the task of exchanging the old ...
If there’s one thing brands can do to reduce their customer’s anxiety levels, it’s responding quickly and efficiently to matters involving money. Slow refunds drove thousands of negative reviews. Customers who took weeks to get a refund condemned companies as “disorganized” and their customer...