I am nervous. Nervous and anxious.Laraand I have had to keep this secret for 55 days, and now I can just tell people to “watch TONIGHT to see what happens!” A childhood dream comes true this evening onWheel of Fortune! After solving four puzzles correctly, Cory was able to sneak in...
A glorious new Twitter account, 'Wheel of Fortune Answers,' hilariously solves the show's puzzles without following any rules.
Like many puzzles in number theory, the Erdős discrepancy problem is simple to state but devilishly difficult to prove. Erdős, who died in 1996, speculated that any infinite string of the numbers 1 and −1 could add up to an arbitrarily large (positive or negative) value by counting ...
DeepCubeA, adeep reinforcementlearning algorithm programmed by UCIcomputerscientists and mathematicians, can find the solution in a fraction of a second, without any specific domain knowledge or in-game coaching from humans. This is no simple task considering that the cube has completion paths numberi...