当你遇到“warning: solver not applicable (gurobi)”这样的警告信息时,通常意味着在尝试使用Gurobi求解器时遇到了问题。以下是一些可能的解决步骤: 确认问题来源: 首先,需要确认这个警告信息是在哪个软件或编程环境中出现的。Gurobi求解器广泛用于各种优化问题,可以在Python(通过Gurobi Python API)、MATLAB、C++等多种...
简介:【Gurobi报错解决】Solver not applicable (gurobi does not support signomial constraints) 电力系统优化方向小白,安装 Yalmip Gurobi Cplex 之后,开始学习复现一些论文… 问题描述 今天在复现论文《考虑阶梯式碳交易机制与电制氢的综合能源系统热电优化》时,用gurobi求解遇到报错: >> test_carbonLinear matrix vari...
Matlab + yalmip toolbox, when calling cplex or mosek to solve the optimization problem, the result is always wrong: Warning: Solver not applicable (mosek), Warning: Solver not applicable (cplex), I think my software is installed correctly, Now I have several reasons for doubt: 1. Too many...
Google's Operations Research tools:. Contribute to google/or-tools development by creating an account on GitHub.
立即登录 没有帐号,去注册 编辑仓库简介 简介内容 QP Benchmarks for the OSQP Solver against GUROBI, MOSEK, ECOS and qpOASES 主页 取消 保存更改 1 https://gitee.com/hongzhifu/osqp_benchmarks.git git@gitee.com:hongzhifu/osqp_benchmarks.git hongzhifu osqp_benchmarks osqp_benchmarks master...
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