1 在用simulink仿真电路时,先是提示缺少Solver Configuration,增加该模块后,有弹出下面的对话框,那么关闭这个对话框,继续下面的步骤。2 回到原理图,找到添加的Solver Configuration,双击,切换到这个模块的属性页。3 注意Linear Algebra右侧,点击最右边的三角形,会弹出Sparse和Full两个选项,前一个单词直接翻译是...
matlab里仿真电路需要一个解决方案模块(solver configuration)来设置一些特殊的仿真信息比如说算法啊系数精度呀之类的,具体设置对初级的仿真没啥用处,你只要把那个solver configuration块放在电路图里连到电路图上就行了
aUsing a default value of 0.002 for maximum step size. The simulation step size will be limited to be less than this value. You can disable this diagnostic by setting 'Automatic solver parameter selection' diagnostic to 'none' in the Diagnostics page of the configuration parameters dialog. 使用...
aUsing a default value of 16 for maximum step size. The simulation step size will be limited to be less than this value. You can disable this diagnostic by setting \'Automatic solver parameter selection\' diagnostic to \'none\' in the Diagnostics page of the configuration parameters dialog....