Crossword puzzle word solver Enter a partial word using question marks for the missing letters e.g.,p?zzle Partial wordFind words
Beyond finding the best crossword answer, the word solver will also find similar words with the same number of letters. Get Cryptic Crossword Puzzle Help With all the hidden words, double definitions, missing letters and wordplays, untangling cryptic clues can leave your head spinning. Stop stru...
Ok, let’s give it a go, again with the first word: Fortunately, we guessed it right away. In easy mode, you can use different words that don’t use all the information given to home in on the solution, as my colleague Professor Timothy Gowers did here: Timothy is a native speaker...
IV.Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters. 1.e___a. absolutely necessary.Vitally necessary 2. s___n. that which has mass and occupies space 3. s___a. important; of consequence; having or expressing a meaning 4.w___n. a contented state or being...
IV.Spell the following words withthe help of their meanings and first letters.dan gerous might affect youV.Complete each of the following statements with the words you have learned in the text.1.He expla ined that his delay was dueto an accide nt.2.For every action there is an equal ...
As an example if you are looking for a six letter word starting with a 'w' and ending with an 'e' you would enter w???e. (Remember you use the spacebar to enter the ?) There is no need to tap the search key as the app finds all possible words as you enter the letters in ...
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