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We have already seen that everylogarithmic equationlogb(x)=ylogb(x)=yis equivalent to the exponential equationby=xby=x. We can use this fact, along with the rules of logarithms, to solve logarithmic equations where the argument is an algebraic expressi... log(0.0001)=−4 Explanation: Recall that by the definition of logarithms: loga(y)=x⇔y=ax In ... If log(2)=0.3010 then, without using a calculator, what is the value of log(0.0005) ?
Learn more about this topic: Logarithms | Overview, Process & Examples from Chapter 10 / Lesson 3 101K Explore logarithms. Learn the definition of a logarithm and understand how it works. Discover interesting logarithm examples and find how they are expressed. ...
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Using "laws of logarithms", 2log(x-3)^2= 4 log(x- 3) and then 4 log(x- 3)- log(x-3)= 3 log(x-3)= 3 so that log(x-3)= 1. If the logarthm is base 10 that says x- 3= 10. If it is base e, x- 3= e. Homework Equations x>3 The Attempt at a Solution 2log...