MATLAB Online에서 열기 I tried to solve these ODE equations but there is an error! This is my code: 테마복사 syms x1(w) x2(w) x3(w) T=773.15; R=1.314; K=(3.35e+24)*exp(-(70e+3)/(1.987*T)); Keq=exp(53.47-(27330/T)); ode1=diff(x1,w)==((-K*...
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Applying updated initial conditions at every points of tspan and solve system of ODE using ode45Follow 1 view (last 30 days) AkB on 24 Mar 2023 Vote 0 Link Commented: Torsten on 25 Mar 2023 I am solving 6 ODEs (3 are of 2nd order and 3 are...
It would likely be best to use ode15s, since the parameter values span a wide range of orders-of-magnitude, and the system is likely ‘stiff’ as the result. Create a vector of appropriate initial conditions for the variables in ‘NewVar’ and then approach it as: odesfcn = @(t,in...