Generalization on graphs:从小的随机图推广到大的随机图,从一种类型的随机图推广到另一种类型的随机图,从随机图推广到现实世界图上都具有的较好的泛化性能; A unified framework for solving any combinatorial optimization problem over graphs:使用边到顶点的线图(line graph),对涉及节点和边上的动作的问题进行建模...
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Computational experiment to solve problems of optimization in pulsed heating regimesWe present the results from numerical solutions of problems in the optimum control of heat conduction in the case of pulsed heating with highly concentrated sources of heat ....
Frontline Systems Inc. has developed Solver App that permits the user to delineate and resolve various kinds of optimization problems in Excel Workbooks. All this can be done hassle free in the Excel Web App in SharePoint 2013, in Excel 2013 as well as Excel Online in Office 365. ...
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I am very new to neural network. I know that after training, we can obtained a network which we can get the output with the related inputs. My question is: can we use neural network to solve optimization problems without training data. For example, I have 2 inputs and 2 outputs networ...
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