✅ Get instant crossword help for any clue or cryptic puzzle on Crossword Solver. Just enter the crossword clue and letter count to find your crossword answers.
Crossword Puzzles are the oldest type of game published in the New York Times newspaper. Since 1942, NYT has been publishing "Spot of Tea" crossword games daily. More than half a million users are addicted to NYT crosswords. Now, only American readers, as well as users worldwide, love t...
and do it as fast as you can. The crossword writers atNYTput out a new puzzle every day,and that means every day there are new clues for players to follow. This follows thesame schedule as the dailyWordleand can be found on
This site give you all the Crossword clues, Crossword Help & Solutions. We will help you to solve those hard crosswords in minimum time and maximum pleasure!
Even if you're wrong,Wordlewill tell you — using the same yellow/green clue scheme — if the second occurrence of whichever letter is in the word. So if the day's answer is "APPLE" and you already know for sure there's one "P" in it, a guess like "PAPER" that includes two Ps...