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Solve a matrix equation using the Cholesky Solver block.Open and run the model. The model solves the equation SX = B using the Cholesky Solver block. The block uses the S and B matrices as inputs and outputs the solution matrix X. Matrix S must be a positive definite matrix. You can ...
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A matrix equation is basically an equation in which the variable is a matrix. Notice also that [5 2 1] and [-1 2 4] are 1 x 3 matrices. Therefore X is a 1 x 3 matrix as well.X - [5 2 1] = [-1 2 4] Add [5 2 1] to each side of the equation....
Solve matrix equationPrabhakar ChaliseRama RaghavanBrooke Fridley
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If it comes to solve a matrix equation, there is always the elimination algorithm by Carl Friedrich Gauss. But there are many other quite interesting algorithms to solve such a matrix equation. Some are very elegant (at least in my opinion :-), some are quite sophisticated and finally they...