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Chances are, though, that unless you're really, really into 33, you probably don't know thatmathematicianshave been trying to figure out for the past 64 years whether it's possible to come up with 33 as the sum of three cubes (as an equation, it's 33 = x³+ y³+ z³). ...
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Since fractional expressions involve quotients, it is important to keep track of values of the variable that satisfy the requirement that no denominator be0. For example, x != -2 in the rational expression: because replacing x with -2 makes the denominator equal 0. Similarly, in x!=-2 ...
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Now, all we need to do is simplify the expression above and solve for {eq}x {/eq}. $$\begin{align} 3(x+1) + 2x(1) &= 4(x-5)\\ 3x+3 + 2x &= 4x-20\\ 3 + 2x-4x &= -20+3\\ x &= -23 \end{align} $$ Therefore, the solution to the ...
This means that we will not solve for a value for x, but we will simplify the expression. Simplifying this rational expression is similar to simplifying fractions- look for common factors. The numerator can be factored 8(x+4) The denominator can be factored (x+4)(x-4) The common ...