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cos(x)=0.8 Solve for x (complex solution) x=2πn1+arctan(0.75),n1∈Z x=2πn2+2π−arctan(0.75),n2∈Z Solve for x x=2πn1+arccos(0.8),n1∈Z x=2πn2+2π−arccos(0.8),n2∈Z Graph
The development of computers in the mid-20th century again revolutionized the hunt for digits of π. Mathematicians John Wrench and Levi Smith reached 1,120 digits in 1949 using a desk calculator. Using an inverse tangent infinite series, a team led by George Reitwiesner and John von Neumann ...
Apply exponent rule:ab·ac=ab+c oo=o1+1 =400slve%fo1+1r%x Add the numbers:1+1=2 =400slve%fo2r%x Solve For a Variable Examples solvefort,2t−s=p solveforx,xa+b=c solvefory,ax+by=c Hi, ask a question aboutsimplifysolve%20for%20x...
You could work through various trigonometric identities (shown here). Or you can just use a calculator to get: tan x = 0.577… = 1√3 x = arctan(1/√3) = 30° Special thanks this month to: Daniel Lewis Kyle Lee Redden Mike Robertson Thanks to all supporters on Patreon! References ...
solve%·20for%·20y%·2c%·20ax=16000e%lso2vfaxr%y%c% =16000e%lso2vfaxr%y%c%+3Dcby% Solve For a Variable Examples solvefort,2t−s=p solveforx,xa+b=c solvefory,ax+by=c Hi, ask a question aboutsimplifysolve%20for%20y%2c%20ax+by%3Dc...
Solve for x. ln x = 5 - ln 2x Solve for x . ln x ln x 2 + ln 8 = 0 A) Solve the equation by rewriting the exponential expression using the indicated logarithm. 90e^(-0.16t) = 10 using the natural log B) Use a calculator to approximate t to three decimal places. Let y =...