Related topics:Maths solve/sɒlv$sɑːlv/●●●S2W3verb[transitiveT] 1 SOLVE/DEAL WITH A PROBLEMto find or provide a way of dealing with a problem解决〔问题〕→solution Charlie thinks money will solve all his problems. 查理认为钱能解决他所有的问题。
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Financial Encyclopedia linear programming n 1.(Economics)mathsa technique used in economics, etc, for determining the maximum or minimum of a linear function of non-negative variables subject to constraints expressed as linear equalities or inequalities ...
Temas relacionados:Mathssolve/sɒlv$sɑːlv/●●●S2W3verb[transitive]1to find or provide a way ofdealingwith a problem→solutionCharlie thinks money will solve all his problems.the best way of solving our dilemma2to find thecorrectanswerto a problem or theexplanationfor something that is...
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aIn my case,before Wang Leyang and I became good friends my maths was very poor in my study.However,it was my friend Wang Leyang who gave me a hand as well as a chance to catch up with others in this course.Although he knew that I was very poor in mathematics, he spent much tim...