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Note: if the pair does not exist, you must eithercomplete the squareor use thequadratic formula. Insert the pair you found in step 2 into twobinomals. Solve eachbinomialfor zero to get the solutions of the quadratic equation. Exampleof how to solve a quadratic equation by factoring ...
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Time is of the essence when you are in a numerical reasoning assessment, so if you don’t immediately know the answer it’s fine to make an educated guess. In most cases you will not have a calculator, so if the terms are larger estimating might be faster....
Earlier we factored this polynomial by splitting the middle term. let us now solve the equation by Completing The Square and by using the Quadratic FormulaSolving a Single Variable Equation :Equations which are reducible to quadratic : 3.1 Solve y4+y2-12 = 0This equation is reducible to quadr...
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