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This app leverages augmented reality, allowing you to simply point your camera of a mobile device at a piece of paper with any kind of arithmetic problem and it immediately finds a solution. At the moment, the app only works on printed problems, which means you have to print your math ass...
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iOS/Android/Desktop: Default calculator apps suck. They work like a traditional handheld calculator, which only displays one value at a time and can only do basic math. If you want to do anything more than calculate a tip, you’re better off with these f
but for some problems, that's not feasible. That's why you should learn how to solve basic problems in your head. This is done by simply practicing a several different types of problems a few times. The more you practice, the easier it gets to solve any math problem in seconds even ...
Safari:Similar to Spotlight, you can enter a simple math query in your browser’s address bar to get its answer. This, too, works in older versions of iOS. Pages, Numbers, and Keynote:Basically, any place where you can enter text. Make sure you update the app first. ...
you can request it in Word uservoice or any other uservoice for other products it's also available on website. you to take picture of a math problem – be it handwritten or printed – a...