Calculate ratios using our ultimate ratio calculator to solve, reduce, scale, or compare. Plus, learn the steps and formulas for each.
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In input mode: ... Tap a fill-in-the-blank to instantly reflect the value you have entered into the calculator. Reduce the number of times you have to type on the calculator and focus on learning how to solve math problems. Start
This is a powerful android calculator that contains most of the features needed. The power of the application is through the use of the Symja library. The results are displayed by Latex. This project is an open source project that allows people to study, ad-free application....
1. Trigonometric expand: sin(2x) -> 2sin(x)cos(x) 2. Trigonometric reduce: 2sin(x)cos(x) -> sin(2x) 3. Trigonometric to exponent: sinh(x) -> (e^x-e^(-x))/2 DETERMINATION OF STATISTICS 1. Combination 2. Permutation SOME OTHER FEATURES ...
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