How Do I Solve a Differential Equation in Mathematica?Also available in Japanese Research, Inc
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Tags Differential Differential equation Terms In summary, the given equation is (4x^3y^3-2xy)dx+(3x^4y^2-x^2)dy=0 and the task is to regroup the terms to find a common factor. The attempt at a solution includes expanding the equation and multiplying it by xy to get 4x^3y^4...
We use Mathematica to illustrate the applications of Jacobi elliptic functions to obtain the approximate solution of a two degree of freedom, undamped, hom... Alex Elías-Zúiga 被引量: 0发表: 2003年 Kernel functions and elliptic differential equations in mathematical physics This text focuses on...
We use Mathematica to illustrate the applications of Jacobi elliptic functions to obtain the approximate solution of a two degree of freedom, undamped, homogeneous dynamical system having small cubic nonlinearities. We also illustrate in this article how Mathematica may help to obtain the closed-form ...
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