SOLUTIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSELSEVIERModeling in Transport Phenomena (Second Edition)
The subject of this chapter is the derivation of the equations that are to be solved for an approximate analytical solution of a perturbation problem involving a differential equation. There are several ways to obtain an approximate analytical solution. First, approximations can be made in the equat...
For example, {eq}\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} + y = 0, \, \, \displaystyle \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} + \displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} + y = 0 {/eq} are first order and second order ordinary differential equations. A differential ...
Solving Separable Differential Equations | Steps & Examples from Chapter 16 / Lesson 1 13K Discover what separable differential equations are and their uses. Learn to identify if an equation is separable and how to solve them through given examples. Related...
As an application of our theorem, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for a certain class of first order differential equations to have elementary solutions. For the simplest differential equation y f — a, where a is an algebraic function, Liouville showed that if such an equation has ...
M. Crandall, H. Ishii and P.-L. Lions. User's guide to viscosity solutions of second order partial differential equations. BAMS, 1992. 我们主要关注的是下面边值问题粘性解的存在唯一性,唯一性即证明比较原理,存在性则由 Perron 方法保证
摘要: In this paper,we consider the following differential equations with piecewise constant argument of the form y(t)=A(t)x(t)+B(t)x([t])+B(t)x([t])+f(t) and obtained the sufficient condition for the existence of pseudo-ω-periodic solutions....
A function y(t) satisfies the differential equation dydt=y4−6y3+5y2. What are the constant solutions of the equation? Solutions of Differential Equations: If a function y=f(x) satisfies the differential equation dydt=G(y), that is, f...
Discover what separable differential equations are and their uses. Learn to identify if an equation is separable and how to solve them through given examples. Related to this Question Explore our homework questions and answers library Search
摘要: We study some properties of a system of elementary (exponential) solutions of differential-difference equations of neutral type with constant matrix coefficients. We consider also the asymptotic behaviour of strong solutions of these equations....