Solution of two-dimensional Euler equations by finite volume discretisation on unstructured meshesA Ronzheimer
The Euler equations in conservative form, employing a finite volume formulation and a structured spatial discretization, are solved in two-dimensions. The time integration is performed by a dimensional splitting method and is first order accurate. The steady state physical problems of the supersonic ...
We report here on our numerical study of the two-dimensional Riemann problem for the compressible Euler equations. Compared with the relatively simple 1-D configurations, the 2-D case consists of a plethora of geometric wave patterns that pose a computational challenge for high-resolution methods....
Adaptive solution of differential equations for the regularization of artificial neural networks The authors propose using artificial neural networks to model the solution of the two-dimensional Euler equation which models inviscid and compressible flu... AJ Meade,M Kokkolaras,B Zeldin - IEEE Internation...
of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 2 Department of Mathematics, UCLA, Los Angeles, California 90095 Received 10 January 2002; accepted 28 January 2002 We report here on our numerical study of the two-dimensional Riemann problem for the compressible Euler equations. Co...
Solution of the unsteady euler equations using an implicit...Presents information on the study which describes an unfactored implicit time-marching method for the solution of the unsteady two-dimensional Euler equations on deforming grids. Discussion on the two-dimensional Euler equations in Cartesian;...
Rotated Upwind Algorithms for Solution of the - and Three-Dimensional Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations. Rotated upwind algorithms are presented for the numerical solution of the Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations in two and three dimensions. The finite-volume algorithms are designed with the notion...
Analytic expressions are found for Euler's Equations of Motion and for the Eulerian Angles for both symmetric and near symmetric rigid bodies under the influence of arbitrary constant body-fixed torques. These solutions provide the body-fixed angular velocities and the attitude of the body, respectiv...
Chapter 10: The Method of Green’s Functions Chapter 11: General Second-Order Linear Partial Differential Equations with Two Independent Variables Chapter 12: The Method of Characteristics Chapter 13: Perturbation and Asymptotic Meth...
Rizzi, A., Bailey, H. (1979). Finite-volume solution of the euler equations for steady three-dimensional transonic flow. In: van de Vooren, A.I., Zandbergen, P.J. (eds) Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics June 28 – July 2, 1976 Tw...