Rakesh Sharma, a well known documentary filmmaker whose filmography includes multiple-award winning film Final Solution, has secured more than half the budget of his 150 minutes long documentary Malegaon: Tales from the Terror Trail which documents the rise of Hindu and Muslim identity politics post...
In this bizarre twist on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic detective tales, Sherlock Holmes (Nicol Williamson) finds himself experiencing vivid hallucinations resulting from his cocaine addiction. Concerned about his friend's personal and professional wel
9/3/2014 by feeds@cinelinx.com (Victor Medina) Cinelinx Interview – Wamg Talks To Houdini Composer John Debney On September 1 & 2, the two-night scripted miniseries Houdini follows the epic tales of Harry Houdini as he emerges as America’s first bonafide world-renowned superstar.Starring Ac...
The one that is decided to become involved in creating the literature is effective has got to know the perception of what’s resourceful writing program. It concentrates on supplying the crafting points and raising the ability in regard to crafting fiction, low-stories, poetry, simple tales, art...
39. Nike employees claimed that they were inspired by their company tales. One tale, for example, recalls how legendary coach and Nike co-founder Bill Bowerman, in an effort to build a better shoe for his team, poured rubber into the family waffle iron, giving birth to the prototype of ...