寻解治疗Solution-focusedTherapy 寻解治疗 Solution-focusedTherapy 2014级社会工作专业2015秋季 每个案主都有解决问题的钥匙:治疗师需要知道何处找寻。——deShazer,1985 何为寻解治疗?•寻解治疗是指以寻找解决问题的方法为核心 的短程心理治疗技术。•是一种关于人是什么、治疗是什么、改变如 何出现的思考方式...
Wanting to learn more about providing brief, practically-based solution-focused interventions across many therapeutic settings? As part of the popular Brief Therapies Series, this long awaited third edition will tell you all you need to know about Solution-Focused Therapy (SFT) and more! This ...
results in client goals. Techniques such as the scaling question and miracle question have also been shown to accomplish their intended purposes in therapy sessions (McKeel, 2012). See Appendix B for a review of the research that shows how Co- ...
Novice solution-focused brief therapists often have difficulty delivering scaling questions within the languaging of their clients. To help beginning Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) trainees, this researcher has created the metaphorically enhanced scaling question (MESQ) training program. By incorporat...
153-154. doi: 10.1080/13575279.2013.877213doi:10.1080/13575279.2013.877213EmilssonMariaChild Care in PracticeRatner, H., George, E., & Iveson, C. (2012). Solution focused brief therapy: 100 key points and techniques. New York, NY: Routledge....
Solution-focused therapy (SFT) is a clinically proven psychotherapeutic approach that is known to be an effective tool in helping people deal with a variety of issues. SFT is a pragmatic approach based on a theoretical perspective that utilizes helping techniques that focus on client strengths, sk...
Solution-focusedTherapy 2014级社会工作专业 2015秋季 每个案主都有解决问题的钥匙:治疗师需要知道何处找寻。 ——deShazer,1985 何为寻解治疗? 寻解治疗是指以寻找解决问题的方法为核心的短程心理治疗技术。 是一种关于人是什么、治疗是什么、改变如何出现的思考方式。是一种哲理。 一、理论背景及发展 1.寻解取...
寻解治疗 Solution-focused Therapy-新版.ppt 每个案主都有解决问题的钥匙:治疗师需要知道何处找寻。 —— de Shazer,1985 * hkhuku 何为寻解治疗? 寻解治疗是指以寻找解决问题的方法为核心的短程心理治疗技术。 是一种关于人是什么、治疗是什么、改变如何出现的思考方式。是一种哲理。 * hkhuku 一、理论背景...
Solution-Focused Therapy provides a framework by which a competence-based group treatment can be provided to clients who are struggling with substance abuse and dependence. Solution-Focused Group Therapy (SFGT) both preserves the underlying philosophy of competence-based approaches and can he delivered...