This article suggests a solution-focused therapy for an elderly couple. The simpler the goal, the better, because even small steps bring change. The wife's desires are unclear concerning her relationships with her father and her newly discovered stepsiblin...
de Shazer, Steve, Insoo Kim Berg, Eve Lipchik, Elam Nunnally, Alex Molnar, and Wallace Gingerich. 1986. Brief therapy: Focused solution development.Family Process25.2: 207–221. DOI:10.1111/j.1545-5300.1986.00207.x The initial journal article about solution-focused therapy, which emerged from ...
I use Solution Focused Therapy and effective therapeutic tools for individual improved progress. You will know therapy is working because you will feel significantly better with renewed mental, physical and emotional well-being. I work with you to fully understand and to use the connection of mind ...
fulfilling life. My approach to therapy is solution focused and draws on a variety of approaches. Based on your unique circumstances, I will work with you to create specific goals that are right for you.
basic tenets that inform Solution-Focused Brief Therapy are as follows: • It is based on solution-building rather than problem-solving. • The therapeutic focus should be on the client’s desired future rather than on past problems or current conflicts. ...
Solution-Focused Therapy Solution-FocusedTherapySolution–focusedtherapy(SFT)‚ unlike other forms oftherapyargues that a person doesn’t have to understand any problem in order to resolve the problem and that thesolutionisn’t necessarily related to the problem. The purpose of thispaperis to ...
Solution-focused brief therapy References http://apt.rcpsych/content/8/2/149#BIBL This article cites 3 articles, 0 of which you can access for free at: permissions Reprints/ to To obtain reprints or permission to reproduce material from this paper, please write ...
This article explores how the therapeutic factor of hope and expectancy plays a role in one specific approach, solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT). SFBT is parsimoniously designed to utilize this therapeutic factor to help clients develop solutions that increase their expectancy of change and their...
焦点解决短期治疗(Solution-focused Brief Therapy, SFBT)是指以寻找解决问题的方法为核心的短程心理治疗技术,是1980年代初期由Steve de Shazer和妻子Inn Berg Kim以及一群有多元训练背景(包括心理、社工、教育、哲学、医学等)的工作小组成员创立的。 与美国威斯康星州米华基(Milwaukee)的短期家庭治疗中心(Brief Family ...